Canaco Villahermosa presents a project to rescue the iconic MUSEVI


They will seek to turn the space into something purely cultural, which allows healthy recreation for the Tabasco families.

Villahermosa, Tabasco (May 12, 2021).- The president of the CANACO, Manuel Antonio Miranda, met with the mayor of Centro, Evaristo Hernández Cruz, to whom they presented the rescue project for the MUSEVI (Museo Elevado de Villahermosa), which was built in 2010.

During the meeting they explained the activities that are estimated for that part of the city, which was listened attentively by the technical secretary, Juan Carlos Castillejos; Rogelio Rodríguez Javier, director of Economic Development and Tourism; the deputy director of Tourism Promotion and Development Salvador Manrique Priego; and the head of the IMPLAN, José Rafael Giorgana Pedrero.

In the presence of the general director, Liliana Olán, the commercial director of Local Consume, Josué Gómez, and the delegate in Nacajuca, Karina Contreras; the activities to be developed were presented.

The business leader indicated that they seek to turn the space into something purely cultural, which allows the families of Tabasco to come and enjoy a moment of relaxation.

After the meeting, more work meetings were held to detail what will be done in the near future, between the City Council of Centro and Canaco Servytur Villahermosa.

Source: El Heraldo de Tabasco

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