Coronavirus in Mexico May 11th latest news, cases and deaths


The Mexican Republic continues in a phase of accelerated growth of COVID-19 infections while the epidemic curve is expected to arrive in the coming days.

The Coronavirus crisis continues its process in our country, where the most updated figures by the Ministry of Health are 36,327 accumulated infections. Of all these, 8,288 remain active and are a source of potential contagion, which is why they are called the active epidemic. In addition, there are still 20,999 cases pending confirmation of being positive for COVID-19. As for the death toll, we have 3,357, which represents almost 10% in the case fatality rate.

36 thousand 327 accumulated infections and 3 thousand 574 deaths due to Coronavirus

As it does daily, the Ministry of Health offered its update press conference on the national scene in front of COVID-19. At this time, the number of total infections is 36,327 throughout the Republic of Mexico. Fortunately, most of the cases are already recovered, but there are 8,288 that are still active. This represents 24.14% of cases only.

On the subject of deaths, Mexico has added 3,573 deaths from COVID-19 . This means that 9.8% of people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 have died in our country. This is one of the highest figures in the world. Despite the fact that there are nations with a greater number of human losses, in the Mexican Republic, the proportion is higher with respect to the number of people infected. Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, and France lead this statistic with rates greater than 10%.

Coronavirus cases by state

Federal entityAccumulatedDeathsAssets
Mexico City99838192037
Mexico state61553431102
Baja California2448419280
Quintana Roo1118192181
New Lion66433239
Baja California Sur39822Four. Five
San Luis Potosi27812132
Oaxaca258Four. Five90
Nayarit2382. 3122
ColimaFour. Five614

Mexico City, the most affected

The country’s capital is the most populous federal entity in the country, as well as the one with the greatest mobility and, consequently, the one that has suffered the most from this pandemic. The CDMX has recorded the majority of accumulated infections (9,737), deaths (796) and active infections (2,243). They are followed by the State of Mexico, Baja California, Tabasco, and Sinaloa.

Map of Coronavirus in Mexico by states

Here you can see the interactive map by states offered by the Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico. If you want to see it in full screen, click here.

Coronavirus map in Mexico by municipalities

Here you can see the interactive map by municipalities offered by the Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico. If you want to see it in full screen, click here.

Center of the country, Pacific and Southeast, the areas with the highest alarm

If we talk about confirmed infections, the central area of ​​the country is the one that accumulates the most with Mexico City (9,737), the State of Mexico (5,988), Morelos (803), and Puebla (1,868). These four states are the ones that have had the most total infections so far and also active cases.

However, it is natural that these areas have these numbers for their population number. In cases such as Baja California and Sinaloa, they stand out for their contagion rate, since, even without large cities, they are at the top of the cases accumulated in our country.

Meanwhile, the case fatality rate is one of the highest in the southeastern part of the country. Tabasco (220) and Quintana Roo (183) are some of those who have reported the most reported so far, despite not having so many infections.

Source:, infobae-com,,

The Mazatlan Post