3 home invasions reported in La Paz BCS


The assaults originated in the Santa Fe, Rinconada Flores Magón colonies and in the Jardines del Recuerdo pantheon, in the city of La Paz

La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS ). This Tuesday, January 28, an armed robbery was recorded at a home in the Santa Fe neighborhood in the city of La Paz; During the day there were also 2 additional robberies, one in a house and the other inside the Jardínes de Recuerdo Pantheon. 

A 28-year-old man employed, denounced that when he arrived and opened the door of his house, he met a male person, who pointed at him with an object with the characteristics of a short revolver type weapon.

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He was stripped of 10,000 pesos, to flee on board a wagon type vehicle, Mercury brand; Such events occurred in the streets of San Ramón, between Nevado de Colima and Nevado de Ruiz, in the Santa Fe neighborhood, in the capital of Baja California Sur.

The first of the events originated around 8:50 am, near the neighborhood of La Rinconada, Flores Magón, on the streets of November 20, between Cuauhtémoc and Sonora, site until which elements of the Municipal Police arrived.

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A 77-year-old man said that when he arrived home he observed the damaged cyclonic mesh and the misplaced windows, realizing that he was missing a welding machine, an extension of 40 meters, 2 rehiletes, 1 broken hammer, and a welding mask.  

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At 11:00 hours, an accomplished robbery was reported inside the Jardines del Recuerdo Pantheon, where a 40-year-old man said that when he arrived at his mother’s chapel he observed that the fence was missing, in addition to presenting damage to the sheet.

“They had stolen 2 wooden benches, a floor fan, 4 porcelain piglets, a large piglet sitting with ornaments from a treasure,” he said. 

Source: bcsnoticias

The Mazatlan Post