Hotel Perla, in La Paz, acquired by investors and converted to a Hampton Inn


La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). The iconic Hotel Perla, which is located in the central part of the boardwalk of the capital city, was bought by a group of investors, who bring as a project to build a Hampton by Hilton hotel in La Paz, confirmed municipal president Rubén Muñoz Álvarez.

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After the sale, it is intended to reconfigure the emblematic property, which will have a commercial plaza in the lower part, in addition to providing a new image to the coastal promenade of La Paz, the official said. 

“The investment already announced for the new work that is going to be done here in front of Home Depot, which is the Hampton By Hilton hotel; This investment group also just acquired the Hotel Perla, which will also give an architectural reconfiguration to the Pearl, with a large shopping plaza at the bottom and they will give a new manor to the boardwalk, ”he said in a radio interview. 

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At the time it transpired that said transaction reached 80 million pesos, with the Sánchez Navarro family involved, a situation that caused disagreement among the inhabitants of Baja California Sur. Also, Internet users speculated on the arrival of commercial chains such as Sanborns.

For his part, the Mayor of La Paz said that both investments will have a social development in order to allow the employees who will work in the hotels to have the necessary services. 

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“All these investments bring a social commitment, that we begin to prepare the urban reserve areas with all the water, drainage, telephony, paving, schools, various services, so that the workers who are going to work in these new hotels have their membership to the community with all the integrated services, ”he said.

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In the case of the Hampton by Hilton hotel, there will be a need for 250 jobs directly and more than 450 jobs indirectly, during its construction process.

Source: bcsnoticias

The Mazatlan Post