New Cacao Museum inaugurated in Villahermosa, Tabasco; visitors can make chocolate


Secretary Román Meyer Falcón invited the entire population to learn more about the history of chocolate.

The Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development (Sedatu) completed the Cacao Museum ‘La Cacaotera,’ an intervention carried out through the Urban Improvement Program (PMU) that is part of the Río Grijalva Linear Park in Villahermosa, Tabasco.

“This space aims not only to talk about the ancient culture of cacao; but also to allow visitors to make their own chocolate, take their bar home, and learn about its properties,” said Secretary Román Meyer Falcón during his visit to Tabasco.

Additionally, the secretary invited the entire population to learn more about the history of chocolate, a fundamental product in Mexican gastronomy.

During his visit, the secretary was accompanied by the Secretary of Culture of Tabasco, Ramiro Chávez Gochicoa; the General Commissioner of the State Police, Jonás Torres Bernard; the Director of Works, Territorial Planning, and Municipal Services, Narciso Alberto Pérez Nuila.

Meyer Falcón reported that the investment made in this project, which covers an area of 900 square meters, amounts to 46 million pesos.

It is worth noting that during this administration, Sedatu carried out 73 urban improvement works in 13 municipalities of the state: Balancán, Cárdenas, Centro, Centla, Comalcalco, Cunduacán, Huimanguillo, Jalpa de Méndez, Macuspana, Nacajuca, Paraíso, Teapa, and Tenosique.

Source: Milenio