Iconic Mexican actor Ignacio Lopez Tarso celebrates 96th birthday


The first actor, Ignacio López  Tarso is with long tablecloths, since he turned 96 years old surrounded by his family; he said he was happy and satisfied. 

It was through his Facebook account that he shared this special moment and declared that he is now urgent to go back to work and hug his family and friends again .

He also joked about his age by mentioning that he is only four years away from reaching 100. On the other hand, he thanked all his followers for the displays of affection and congratulations. 

“Today I end the day very happy and satisfied. Since the morning, attending the media and receiving congratulations. I celebrated my 96 with my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And I receive with great emotion and gratitude all the messages from my friends on Facebook . I only have four to go to reach 100, and I urgently need to go back to work and be able to hug my family and friends. Thank you very much everyone! It has been a wonderful birthday, “wrote the actor. 

In the post you can see Don Ignacio blowing out the candles on his two jelly-like desserts. Each had a candle with the corresponding number to form their age. 


As if it were a rockstar, the first actor immediately received a shower of congratulations, highlighting his taste for his artistic career. 

On the other hand, the number of likes reached 24 thousand and the publication was shared more than 5 thousand times. Without a doubt, Ignacio López Tarso is one of the most beloved men in Mexico for his professionalism in front of the camera.