“PRI is still standing, we won in Hidalgo and Coahuila”, says party president Alejandro Moreno


Moreno affirmed in social networks that his party is the virtual winner of the electoral day this Sunday, October 18th, in both states.

The national president of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, through his social networks affirmed that his party is the virtual winner of the electoral day that took place in the state of Coahuila and Hidalgo.

“The PRI is still standing, we win in Hidalgo and Coahuila, we show that trust in the PRI gains power and keeps us strong as a political party,” he highlighted in a video uploaded to his Twitter account.

In addition, he assured that the tricolor presented the best proposals, so, he said, “we know how to govern, but above all we know how to deliver good results.”

It is worth mentioning that the leader of the Institutional Revolutionary remained in the state during the elections and was seen accompanying him since the polls were opened to militants, candidates for deputies, as well as the president of the PRI State Steering Committee, Rodrigo Fuentes Ávila.

The elections in Hidalgo and Coahuila, to renew 109 local positions, closed this Sunday in calm, with some isolated incidents and a strong sanitary control due to the covid-19 pandemic, the electoral authorities reported.

The head of the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Electoral Crimes (FEDE), José Agustín Ortiz Pinchetti, said that in general there are no reports of extraordinary events in Hidalgo, where 84 municipal mayors were elected, and in Coahuila, where the 25 legislators of the local Low Chamber were renewed.

Source: El Universal

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