AMLO visits Benito Juarez monument in Washington


Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador began his first trip abroad as president on Wednesday, July 8th, with visits to the Abraham Lincoln monument and the statue of the Mexican hero Benito Juárez in Washington.

AMLO visits Benito Juarez monument in Washington (Photo: Expansion)

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador placed a wreath at the Benito Juárez monument in Washington, United States.

In the next few hours, he will meet at the White House with President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly attacked Mexico and Mexican immigrants to encourage his followers. Many Mexicans object to the visit, just four months before the elections in the United States.

While AMLO was visiting the Benito Juarez monument in Washington DC, a large crowd came out of nowhere and started shouting at the Mexican President (Watch video)

Why is there a statue of Benito Juárez in Washington?

In 1966, then-President Lyndon Johnson visited Mexico City to gift Mexicans a statue of Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. President who ended slavery. The statue was placed at the Lincoln Park in Polanco.

Lincoln has always been a popular figure in Mexico because he opposed the U.S. intervention in Mexico when he was a legislator and opposed the French intervention in Mexico when he was President.

In response to Lyndon Johnson’s gesture, the Mexican government gifted the U.S. with a statue of Benito Juárez. The Mexican President’s statue was unveiled on January 7, 1969.

Benito Juárez’s statue is accompanied by his famous quote: “Respect for the rights of others is peace.”

Source: Expansión

The Mazatlan Post