Video: Tired of being locked up during quarantine, Men dress up as buoys for a swim


Not in Mexico but and idea sure to spread

A video captures two men disguised as buoys to get into the sea

As is well known, thousands of people are quarantined to prevent the spread of Covid-19, for which many places are also closed, however, some men used a peculiar costume to swim on a beach.

Se disfrazan de boyas para poder estar a nadar al mar

These are two Frenchmen who, in order to challenge the coronavirus, used buoyed hats to avoid being seen by the police during their stay in the sea.

According to the video published on YouTube, the event occurred on May 8, in Hyères, France. Pierre Kaci, one of the suspects, said they were regular visitors to Almanarre Beach, but preventive measures by Covid-19 prevented them from enjoying the summer.

“I take confinement seriously, so we chose a place where there was no one. We also wanted to make people smile and make them happy during this stressful period, ”said Kaci, however, the men had to pay a fine of 135 euros.


The Mazatlan Post