Mexico: Price of gasoline increases May 24th, 2020


The average price for Magna, Diesel, and Premium in Mexico today

Mexico.- A new increase in gasoline prices is registered this Sunday, May 24, 2020.


This day, the price of fuel compared to the previous day:
-Magna 17.05 yesterday 16.81
-Premium 17.61, yesterday 17.43
-Diesel 18.95, Tuesday at 18.9

So the price of gasoline and diesel in some areas of Mexico, if you want to check your state WE RECOMMEND YOU ENTER THIS PAGE

Average price of gasoline in MEXICO CITY – CDMX today
Magna 17.61
Premium 18.18
Diesel 18.43

Average price of gasoline in SINALOA today
Magna 18.11
Premium 19.31
Diesel 19.64

Average price of gasoline in BAJA CALIFORNIA NORTE today
Magna 16.22
Premium 17.14
Diesel 18.36

Average price of gasoline in CAMPECHE today
Magna 17.2
Premium 17.85
Diesel 19.64

Average price of gasoline in NUEVO LEÓN today
Magna 17.25
Premium 18.36
Diesel 19


The Mazatlan Post