5 Governors ask to cancel AMLO pet projects and release funds for Mexico crisis


Governors  of Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Durango, and Michoacán assure that suspending the work would also free up resources to support small and medium businesses; insist that the fiscal pact be reviewed

The governors of Tamaulipas, Michoacán, Durango, Coahuila, and Nuevo León expressed their support for the initiative of a group of three thousand businessmen to request the federal government to cancel the projects for the Maya Train,   the Dos Bocas refinery and the Santa Lucia Airport, in order for these resources to be used for health services and to contain the country’s economic crisis.

During a meeting in the Fundidora Park, in Nuevo León,   the leaders warned that thousands of jobs will be lost during the epidemic, and thousands of companies and businesses will be adrift, so it is necessary to have this money.

According to the governor of Nuevo León, Jaime Rodríguez, this approach will be carried out in a respectful way to the Government headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, “so that in a definitive way the central government is not the driver of absolutist decisions.”

For his part, Silvano Aureoles, president of Michoacán, urged that there be a great agreement so that extraordinary resources are available that can be applied to reactivate the economy.

“This means that the Government of the Republic has to reorient investment and public spending. In a crisis like the one we are experiencing, the same parameters and the same priorities cannot be maintained, ”he said.

Santa Lucia Aiport

It is time, he said, that the Government of the Republic postpones the projects that are not a priority and rescue the small and medium-sized companies, which are the main support of the country.

The representatives of business organizations also requested support from the leaders to urge the Federation to jointly review the relationship for the Fiscal Pact and the Fiscal Coordination Law, in order to quickly homologate the issue of essential companies. ; as well as reviewing the incentives that the Ministry of Economy granted to PYMES.

In this regard, the governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, assured that the leaders will not take their finger off the line so that the rules of fiscal coordination change to guarantee a fairer and more equitable treatment towards the entities that produce the most.

“But while the conditions exist for that to happen and become a reality, we must join efforts, add the best that each state has, take care of each other as a region,” he said.

The participants also agreed to maintain a permanent table with the Secretaries of Economic Development of the five entities, who will work hand in hand with entrepreneurs from the construction, housing, manufacturing, commerce, services, automotive, electric power generation, and agricultural inputs industries.

Lastly, the governors promised to watch over the jobs.

Rectors also sign their unity agreement

Rectors of public and private universities signed a National Agreement for the Unit in Higher Education to offer personnel, infrastructure and equipment to the authorities to face the emergency by Covid-19.

This establishes that the institutions are committed to safeguarding the health of their communities and society, as well as ensuring the continuity of their academic services.

“Make available to society its scientific and technical capabilities,   its infrastructure and equipment to deal with the effects of this epidemiological phenomenon,” says the document.

Given the suspension of face-to-face activities throughout the country, higher education institutions implemented urgent measures to allow students to continue with their courses, guaranteeing that those with less resources or disadvantaged also do so.

Source: razon.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post