Subject detained trying to enter Mexico with ammunition


When trying to enter Mexico with a large amount of bullets, Edward C. was stopped with 933 useful cartridges for firearms of different calibers, confirmed the Attorney General of the Republic.

NOGALES, Arizona.- An individual was detained in possession of a large amount of bullets while trying to cross the border into Mexico.

The subject was identified as Edward C., to whom Mexican authorities secured 933 useful cartridges for firearms of different calibers, confirmed the Attorney General of the Republic.

The case occurred at Garita 1 (Puerta de México) in the Nogales, Sonora, point of entry, when the subject was detained by elements of the National Guard in possession of the ammunition.

The nationality of the individual was not officially confirmed. The subject was linked to process, in addition to imposing justified preventive detention as a precautionary measure.

The Mazatlan Post