The Coup begins; Morena deputies approve reforms to be reelected. Those who are here today could stay until 2030


The reforms were endorsed without the assistance of legislators from the PAN, PRI or PRD

Diputados aprueban reformas para reelegirse. Los que están hoy podrían quedarse hasta 2030

The Chamber of Deputies approved reforms to the general laws on Electoral Institutions and Procedures, and on Political Parties that would allow the reelection of legislators.

The reforms in the matter of continuous election of federal legislators were endorsed with 254 votes in favor, 20 against and three abstentions and they propose that he continue to hold office until 2030, so they will now go to the Senate for evaluation.

With what has been approved, the legislators will be able to continue in office while campaigning.

Some points of the opinion that have been disseminated by national media show that both the deputies and senators who want to be reelected may do so in the localities or constituencies from which they were elected, either by the multi-member route or by a relative majority.

The session was not attended by the National Action parties, the Democratic Revolution party and the Institutional Revolutionary party, who were absent as a protest because activities were not suspended despite the increase in cases of coronavirus.

During the discussion, Deputy Martha Tagle, from the Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) party, expressed her dissatisfaction with the way in which the initiative was processed, as she considered that “it is made as a way” to benefit the deputies of the current Legislature.

Last night, legislators from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) presented to the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) the initiatives to regulate consecutive reelection, a figure that has existed in the Constitution since 2014.

Deputies of MC, like Tonatiuh Bravo, described that it was “a legislative coup” because the initiative was not turned to commissions for its analysis and there is no opinion. In addition, he criticized that the final version was published 30 minutes before voting in plenary.

For his part, Deputy Carlos Puente Salas, from the Green Ecologist Party, denied that with the reform, the deputies will automatically stay in office.

While legislator Fernández Noroña, from the Labor Party, explained that legislation will be determined to prevent the National Electoral Institute from deciding on the reelection process for legislators.

For the deputy of the Labor Party (PT), Gerardo Fernández Noroña, there is no reason for which there is fear that members of the Social Meeting will participate in a re-election process, despite the fact that this political force no longer has registration.

“Everyone will have to submit to the process and no one is assured of reelection, the citizens will be the ones who decide,” he stressed. And he added that no party is guaranteed the victory of its candidates.

“I think it is very shameless to use the rostrum with that self-confidence. The fundamental thing is to classify electoral crimes as serious, that for the first time the President of the Republic goes to jail and it does not seem to me that private financing is not contemplated. I am glad that their representatives from the Citizen Movement were present so that there could be debate, ”declared the petista.

“Democracy is over in Mexico”

Resultado de imagen de amlo dictador

“Democracy is over !! Low blow in the middle of the world crisis, in the whirlwind of the coronavirus, they take advantage of the moment and instead of working to safeguard public health, they dispatch with the big spoon. They want to perpetuate themselves, sick with power. This 4T was 5th ”, shared the presenter, attaching the news to her Twitter account.

Without going through commissions, the majority bloc led by the leftist National Regeneration Movement (Morena), of the country’s President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), approved at the last minute that the initiative to enter the agenda.


The Mazatlan Post