The survey of the mayors of Los Cabos and La Paz was developed at the end of January
La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS ). According to the “Evaluation of the attributes of municipal presidents”, the Ediles emanating from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) in Los Cabos and La Paz occupy places 39 and 45 of the national list, which is composed of 55 mayors.
The municipal president of Los Cabos, Armida Castro Guzmán received an average rating of 26.5%, reaching position 41 in honesty, 37 in capacity and 38 in integrity.
On the other hand, Rubén Muñoz Álvarez, in his role as mayor of La Paz, received an average of 22.8%, placing himself in the 46th position in honesty, that is, 9 positions from the last place.

The mayor of La Paz also reached position number 38 in capacity and number 46 in integrity, so in at least 2 items he was among the 10 worst qualified mayors in the country.
In the survey, 3 main attributes were analyzed: honesty, capacity, and integrity, which were questioned to the citizens of La Paz and Los Cabos 18 years and older, in the first month of 2020.
“The survey was conducted on January 25 and 26,” said the polling house Caudae, revealing his report in February.
Click here for full report on Mexico Mayor Ranking
Source: bcsnoticias
The Mazatlan Post