Super Bowl 2020: How Mexico benefits from the great American football championship


“Winning is not the most important thing: it is the only thing that matters.”

This phrase, attributed to the legendary American football coach Henry Sanders, summarizes the importance of the Super Bowl, the final of the National Football League (NFL) in the United States.

The 54th edition of one of the most-watched sporting events on the planet is being denounced this February 2 at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Florida.

That day it is estimated that almost 200 million Americans will meet with family and friends in front of the TV to discover who takes this year’s Super Bowl: the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49ers.

Resultado de imagen de Super Bowl 2020 | Cómo se beneficia México de la gran final de fútbol americano

But, when there are still a few hours left for the start of the event and the Mexican economy is already a winner.

And for a few years, several Mexican business sectors were able to take advantage of this event to increase their turnover.

Guacamole with tortilla chips is one of the most consumed snacks during the Super Bowl. 

First of all, food and beverage producers.

The most precious snack

According to the US Department of Agriculture, Super Bowl Sunday is the second day with the highest food consumption of the year, after Thanksgiving.

And one of the favorite snacks of Americans is the guacamole.

In 2019, in the three weeks prior to the Super Bowl, the Association of Producers and Packers Exporters of Mexico (APEAM) estimated that more than 120 tons of avocado were sent to the United States.

That is, the equivalent to half the weight of the Statue of Liberty of New York.

Peaks exporting Mexican avocado to the US They are registered in the weeks before the Super Bowl.

According to the Agri-Food Atlas 2012-2018, published by the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP), Mexico is the world’s leading producer of this food, with 2 million tons, and more than 7 out of 10 avocados are exported to USA

Avocado export to the US Not only does it suppose an income of US $ 2,349 million annually, but it has an important impact on the economy of Michoacán, the main Mexican producer of this product.

“The avocado industry in that state generates about 70,000 direct jobs and more than 300,000 indirect jobs,” explains Antonio Gutiérrez Cazares, communication manager of APEAM, which brings together more than 26,000 producing and packing companies.

In addition, “it has had an impact on the reduction of migration, as workers are staying in their places of origin with a guaranteed and above-average support.”

Mexico is the world’s leading avocado producer, with 2 million tons per year. 

In the three weeks before the Super Bowl, every six minutes a refrigerated truck was heading to the US. from Michoacán to supply avocado to distributors in the neighboring country, according to APEAM data.

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Beer, another winner of the match

Another of the most consumed products during the Super Bowl is beer.

According to the Beer Institute, the organization of producers of this drink in the US, 3 out of 4 Americans who will watch the Super Bowl will accompany the snacks with beer. A lot of beer.

According to various estimates, during the end of 2018 Americans drank about 1.2 billion liters of beer.

Enough to fill the Azteca stadium in Mexico City more than 4 times.

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Azteca Stadium

And also, in this case, the Mexican economy wins.

On Super Bowl day, 3 out of 4 Americans who will watch the game will accompany the snacks with beer.

Mexico is the fourth largest producer and exporter of beer in the world. main destination? U.S.

The Beer Institute notes that, in 2017, between 11% and 13% of the beer consumed in the US It was of Mexican origin.

And that is reflected in income: that year the value of beer exports was US $ 3,768 million, which represented 33% of Mexico’s agro-industrial exports.

13% of all beer consumed in the US In 2017 it had Mexican origin.

In addition, the industry’s production chain generates 55,000 direct jobs and more than 600,000 indirect jobs.

Increase domestic trade

And the effect of the Super Bowl is also felt in Mexico.

Not only one in 5 Mexicans follows American football, according to an analysis by Mitofsky, but Mexico is the second country with more NFL fans , after the US.

That is why it is not surprising that Mexicans lead the list of foreign nationalities in the purchase of tickets to attend the Super Bowl, according to data from StubHub, an eBay ticket resale company.

The Hard Rock Stadium in the city of Miami is home to Super Bowl 54.

Those who cannot afford to disburse the more than US $ 3,000 the cheapest ticket costs may follow the game’s broadcast on television.

It is expected that some 15 million Mexicans will tune in on Televisa, Azteca, Fox Sports or ESPN on Sunday to follow the match between Rams and Patriots.

And how will they accompany you?

Just like its northern neighbors: between friends and family and with snacks.

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According to the consultant Atlantia, on average the consumption of chicken wings, pizza, tacos and meat for barbecue increases by 25% compared to the other weekends of the year.

And what increases even more noticeably is the consumption of beer. The Super Bowl week sells 85% more units than the week before the game.

But this peculiar diet takes its toll.

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Antonio Pascual, president of Anafarmex, the association that represents 15,000 pharmacies throughout Mexico, says that last year “in the week following the Super Bowl game, the demand for drugs for gastrointestinal diseases increased by 30%.”

The most common sequels?

Indigestion, reflux, and diarrhea. That is, even gastritis contributes to the economy.


The Mazatlan Post