MÉRIDA, January 22, 2020.- The business sounded immensely attractive and quickly attracted investors who did not hesitate to put their money, even though the company managers themselves warned them of the risks, but instead offered them profits of 10 Monthly percent, something that no bank or investment instrument offers in the market.

This is the case of Evertex, a company promoted by three young people headed by Luis Enrique Servín Navarrete, who was the financial brain, while Andrés Rivero Ponce and Genaro Mier y Terán Medina served as promoters.

From the end of last year, the company began to reveal problems until they were unsustainable and in the first days of this 2020, those responsible had to admit losses of 75 percent of the capital invested by customers.

It is mentioned that those affected could be 200 investors who today are in uncertainty about what will happen to their money. There is talk of 80 million pesos that would be at stake in this failed forex trading business.

There were people who contributed 50 thousand pesos, but others put up to one million pesos.

The story began two years ago when the promoters of the company, taking advantage of their socioeconomic position and relationships, began to recruit investors who were willing to enter a high-risk business, but also offered “stratospheric” returns.

Everything was going without any problem. The returns were paid according to what was established and if someone wanted to withdraw from the business, they could do so with the full return of their investment but had to notify two days in advance. This increased investor confidence and new ones soon joined.

Things began to change at the end of last year. Many raised their eyebrows when Servín Navarrete announced on December 17 that he would go on vacation and that he would not return until January 2.

Concern increased when he said he would run out of signal and could not answer messages or calls.

During the time that was absent, investors began to pressure the other partners, who were also already worried about what was happening.

On January 8, Servín Navarrete circulated a statement acknowledging the losses of 75 percent of the investments, but exempting his partner Rivero Ponce from all guilt and taking full responsibility for the loss of capital.

“So far, most of the financial capital invested in various instruments presents significant losses of 75 percent of the capital invested by customers. This negative result is the result of a change in the investment strategy, ”he acknowledges in his message.

Evertex assumes full responsibility as a party responsible for the placement in financial instruments of the capital of our investors,” he adds.

Servin Navarrete points out that they will offer answers to those who gave them confidence, and makes available a cell phone to keep in touch with their customers.

In the statement, Luis Enrique assumes himself as the sole responsible, since he directed and decided on the project, as well as being the only one of the investment system called CFD’s (contracts for difference) on the Forex market.

He states that Andrés Rivero Ponce acted solely as a promoter and did not fully know the details of the operation of Evertex.

Consequently, Servín Navarrete personally assumes the losses and explains:

“I stopped being faithful to my strategy, there came a time when we had a loss greater than expected in the operation, on which I made the bad decision not to report it as such and, instead, report it as profit. From that, it was all a chain of bad decisions to try to cover the previous one, I kept operating, but always with that negative difference that was getting bigger every time since I always reported it with normal returns, my intention was to keep everything normal in which he repaired everything on the fly without alerting anyone, something that of course was not achieved. Realizing that the situation was already irreparable in the way I was handling it, I decided to disconnect and notified everyone that I would go on vacation; this to try to think more clearly and objectively how to proceed, to let him know and how to repair what he had already triggered. After thinking about how to proceed, I decided to approach Andrés Rivero Ponce to let him know the whole situation we were in, since I had not been honest with him. ”

By insisting that he accepts in all terms and with total responsibility to be solely responsible for the loss of capital, Servín Navarrete acknowledges that for months he was manipulating the reports he showed Rivero Ponce and the clients.


The Mazatlan Post